The Neon Caledonian

When the Fire Nation Attacked

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Jack Caudle



Rockville, MD

Alma Mater

Denison University (Cinema)



PokêMon Type



I’ve been a bookworm and a film nerd for as long as I can remember.

Once, when I was only about ten, my grandmother took me to the local Barnes & Noble, and bought me a book on the production of the first six Star Wars films. I pored over that text religiously, and ever since then, I have had a deep appreciation for (and fascination with) the artistry that goes into the creation of not just movies, but literature and television storytelling as well.

I went on to major in Cinema in college, and I’ve had the chance to work in a number of film and media related capacities. In addition to voraciously watching and reading as much as I can, I often find myself staying up till the wee hours watching film/tv/literature studies YouTube channels like Nerdwriter1, Movies with Mikey, and Lindsay Ellis.

I had a blog back in 2015 which went dormant due to the controlled chaos that is the university experience. I’ve wanted to revamp and relaunch my blog for a few years now as an outlet to practice my writing and as an opportunity to revisit stories that meant a lot to me, or explore new ones I’ve been meaning to get to for ages - see: Tolkien.

In a lot of ways I can see how that mission statement isn’t wildly original, but I do consider myself a rather decent writer, or at the very least entertaining and funny. I hope you might take my blog as an opportunity to revisit these stories yourself, or maybe to to explore them for the first time.

